Monday, June 4, 2012


Qatar does not impose taxes on the people, and collects its revenues from oil and natural gas exports. This is not very sustainable since production and consumption of fossil fuels is harmful for the environment. Originally, I thought that Qatar should impose taxes on the population to receive revenues from things other than fossil fuels. But then, I was corrected because if taxes were introduced, the people living in Qatar would go "What the Hell?" because it being a tax haven was one of the only reasons that the people moved there in the first place. If   the people would have to pay taxes, let alone a lot of taxes due to the small population, life would not be as pleasant for the people. I think Qatar should still receive money from fossil fuels, but not as much because they should also invest in green energy and eco-friendly transportation and other green industries. If they completely stopped fossil fuel trade and production, the trillions of barrels of oil they have would go to waste. Plus, nowadays, fossil fuels are still in high demand for oil and natural gas-less nations, so Qatar could still make a lot of money.
But, nevertheless, Qatar should still focus more on green energy and green industries for revenues than fossil fuels (probably around 75% to 25% for revenues, respectively).
They should use these gathered revenues (from green energy and fossil fuels) to fund the upcoming 2022 World Cup. With an improved economy, they will also be able to attract more people who care about the environment because they will let those people know that they mostly invest in green industries to power and feed their nation.
With these recommendations, Qatar will have an attractive, sustainable economy.

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